Easier Modifications
Step 1
Increase your Mac's RAM. This makes the Mac rely on virtual memory less, which in turn makes it run more quickly.
Step 2
Make sure you have space available on your hard drive. The swap file increases as needed, and it is on your Mac's hard drive. The more hard drive space you have, the more virtual memory you have available.
Step 3
Run fewer programs simultaneously. Take a look at the applications you have running. Decide if you need them all running at the same time.
Deactivate the Swap File
Step 1
Open the Terminal program. You'll find it in the Utilities folder under the Applications folder.
Step 2
To turn off the swap file, type this command into the Terminal window: sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist
Step 3
To remove the swap files on your system, type this command into the Terminal window: sudo rm /private/var/vm/swapfile*
Step 4
Close the Terminal program.
Reactivate the Swap File
Step 1
Open the Terminal program.
Step 2
Type this command in the terminal window: sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist
Step 3
Close the Terminal program.
- Making changes to your system memory can cause performance problems or hardware and software failures. Be very careful when you make these changes.
- "Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Missing Manual"; David Pogue; 2009
About the Author
Andrew McClain has been writing since 1994. He has written several articles for various websites and writes user guides and software manuals for several freelance clients. He has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from the University of Missouri.